Ceremonial Healing
Ceremonial Healing supports the body & soul parts that travel with us through lifetimes. Kai uses the sound of the drum & rattle to induce a natural trance state for communion with helping spirits. She conducts sessions inside reverently held sacred space. The work that unfolds may incorporate soul retrieval, chord cutting, extraction, home/land clearing, ancestral healing, divination, psychopomp, sacred sound, and guided journeys.
Kai’s training & initiation in ancestral, earth based techniques span over two decades, and inform her gentle & precise practice. Her work as a practitioner includes Celtic, North & South American, Ancient Egyptian, and Compassionate Star Being lineages. Her intention is to offer assistance to others walking paths of resonance.
Ceremonial Healing may be of service during times of transition, grief and growth for regeneration & blessing. Sessions may be appropriate on a regular basis to maintain personal sovereignty, emotional balance, mental clarity, and energetic hygiene.
Ceremonial Healing Sessions are available virtually & in person in Sebastopol, California year round. In person sessions in NYC available seasonally.
Ceremonial Healing includes complimentary 30 minute phone consultation.
Session is 2 hours in length.
One should expect to leave a Ceremonial Healing feeling refreshed and relaxed, with a renewed sense of purpose. Create space in the rest of your day for integration. Drink lots of water, spend time in nature, take a long bath or shower, and have an early bedtime to fully integrate the experience.