LŌKAHI: The Art of Listening ApplicationTell us about you! Name * First Name Last Name Email * Do you have a daily meditation, movement, or other practice oriented towards deep inner listening? Do you have personal experience with trance/shamanic drum journeys, or lucid dreaming? Tell us about some of the ways you creatively express yourself – or aspire to? Can you describe your relationship with ritual? Do you like to dance? Tell us about it! We will be sharing two Blue Lotus ceremonies together–do you have experience sitting in plant medicine ceremonies? Do you have a personal relationship with the cycles of the moon? Tell us about your experience within community? Do you thrive in community – or aspire to? Tell us about your connection with nature. Are you comfortable being in the forest, hiking, and swimming in open water? Can you describe for us your relationship to food & diet? Any allergies or dietary restrictions? Thank you! Pricing Schedule Facilitators